Improvement in blood lipids with comprehensive approach to health and weight loss.

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Weight loss via an increase in vegetables, lean protein, complex carbohydrate, and physical activity along with strategies to meet general health needs for essential fatty acids (especially omega-3s) were concomitant with improvements in cardiovascular disease risk factors and avoidance of medication initiation. At 6-months, A had reduced his bodyweight by 18lbs (8%) and saw LDL-cholesterol fall from 122 to 85 with HDL holding constant; at 12-months bodyweight was down 44lbs from initial (19%) and LDL was measured at 72 with HDL increasing from 40 to 48. He reported greater feelings of satiety (fullness) after initiating his weight loss journey largely because of his shift to less energy-dense foods and found satisfaction in both his progress and ability to keep incorporating foods he enjoyed throughout the process.